
Jesus and Joseph


As you read through the Bible,  you cannot help but be amazed how characters you read about in the Old Testament are very similar to those in the New Testament. Events and places in the Old Testament are given new meaning in light of the New Testament teachings. As you study,  you have probably come across terms such as “shadow of things to come,” “types,” and “antitypes.” Type has been defined as “an historical fact that illustrates a spiritual truth.” Take a few minutes and read through the comparisons of Jesus and Joseph. Think about the characteristics or attributes that applied to both.


Genesis 37:4  Both were despised 

  John  1:11

Genesis 37:36, Joshua 24:32  Both went into and returned from Egypt  Matthew 2:13-23

Genesis 39:14-19  Both were falsely accused  Mark 14:57-58

Genesis 39:7-12  Both resisted temptation and sin    Matthew 4:1-11

Genesis 39:31-35  Both were separated from their fathers  John 20:21

Genesis 41:40  Both had great power and authority  Matthew 28:18

Genesis 37:28  Both were sold   Matthew 26:15

Genesis 42:24  Both showed great love  John 15:13

Genesis 45: 3  Both were thought dead but were alive  Luke 24:46

Genesis 39:21  Both had God with them  Matthew 17:5

As you read and study your Bibles,  don’t forget to look for all of the ways that the Old Testament leads into events that happen in the New Testament. A thoughtful Bible student has a good understanding of how the Old and New Testaments work together and complement each other. Many only want to study the New Testament and lose sight of the many wonderful characters and events of the Old. You cannot have a good understanding of things in the New Testament without having knowledge of God’s Word to the children of Israel in the Old Testament.