
Get Off the Rollercoaster







Many people enjoy a ride on a good roller coaster. They like the thrill of the ups and downs, the twists and turns, and the excitement. It is unfortunate that many people live their lives as if they are on a roller coaster. They experience highs and lows as they go through life. The twists and turns leave them in either a period of depression or on some kind of emotional high. These individuals lack a certain consistency in their lives. Most “motivational coaches” will stress to their clients the importance of being consistent in their daily lives. Establishing habits, traditions, and rituals that keep their clients focused on their goals is extremely important. Consistency requires one to commit to a sustained effort of action over a long period of time.

Christians sometimes fall into the lifestyle of being on a roller coaster. Their attendance is great for a period of time. They are here at every service and then, just like the roller coaster going downhill into a tunnel, they disappear from services.  Often, they begin the new year by studying their Bibles and praying to God every day, and just as suddenly, they forget God and His Word. They are on fire for the Lord, and then their flames becomes a slight flicker of a dying candle.

Truly, God requires us to be committed to Him, but he also wants us to be consistent as well. Read the following Scriptures and consider how they apply to consistency.

·Be consistent in your FAITH (Colossians 2:5)
·Be consistent in your PRAYER (I Thessalonians 5:17)
·Be consistent in your HOPE (I Thessalonians 2:19)
·Be consistent in your BIBLE STUDY (Acts 17:11)
·Be consistent in your ATTENDANCE (Hebrews 10:24-25)
·Be consistent in your GOOD WORKS (Galatians 6:9-10)
·Be consistent in your LOVE FOR EACH OTHER (I John 4:11)

Are you on the roller coaster when it comes to being a Christian and serving the Lord? Is consistency lacking in your spiritual journey? You can become more consistent in your service to the Lord through prayer, personal commitment, and help from your church family. Get off the roller coaster and see the importance of consistency in your spiritual life.


  Written by Larry Schneider