
Living in the Country


There are many benefits of living in the country away from the big city. It is generally peaceful and quiet. You can sit on your porch or deck and watch the sunrise, sunset, or just enjoy the clouds overhead. Occasionally, you might see a deer, a coyote, a fox, or unusual birds in your yard.

Unfortunately, if you live in the country, you also have to deal with the smells or odors that come along with it. If you happen to live near a farm with cattle, sheep, or pigs, you understand. If you are surrounded by fields with corn or soy beans, you know the smells that come from spreading fertilizers and herbicides on those fields. Also, there is the unpleasant odor of a dead animal rotting in the field near your house. Almost all of us have had a mouse die in our house and can remember the smell of it. Our dogs like to catch squirrels, dig up moles, and attack raccoons. However, after the animals are dead, they are no longer interested in them and leave them to decompose and smell.

The smell that comes from a skunk is the worst. Almost all of us are familiar with the odor that comes from a skunk. Whether we have first-hand knowledge of a run in with a skunk or just drive by a place where a skunk has died, the smell is distinctive and separate from all others. There is no guessing about the smell of a skunk. We can immediately identify the odor of a skunk.

Sin is like that. If some action, thought, or emotion feels like it could possibly be sinful, then there is a good chance that it is sinful. Think about the following:

  If it feels like pride, then it probably is.

  If it feels like gossip, then it probably is.

  If it seems to be petty, then it probably is.

  If it feels lukewarm, then it probably is.

  If it sounds like lying, then it probably is.

  If it feels like hatred, then it probably is.

  If it looks like it might be a sin, then……….

The Christian life is a constant growing experience. God wants us to continue to learn about Him and His will through study and prayer. We can avoid the stench of sin by using the Scriptures to correct us and to guide our lives.                                                                    Written by Larry Schneiderng in th